Student FAQ

1. Where do I find information on my rights and responsibilities as a disabled student?

The DSP Student Handbook is the best place to learn about your rights and responsibilities, as well as how the DSP process works. You can also find out more information about the services they provide on their website

2. Where can blind or mobility-involved students get emergency evacuation planning consultations?

Consultations are available through DAC and you can begin the process by submitting a request form. You can also get information on emergency evacuation preparedness for disabled people in this video created by the World Institute on Disability

3. Where do I go if I believe I've been discriminated against on the basis of disability on campus?

If it is a complaint about discrimination, including denial of reasonable accomodations, in the classroom: if you are still in the class and it is a denial of reasonable accomodation, you need to exhaust the DSP Complaint Resolution Process. Then, if you don't agree with their findings, you may come to DAC and file a grievance. You can begin with DAC if it is denial of reasonable accomodation and you are no longer enrolled in the class, either because the class has ended or you have dropped the class; OR if it concerns a hostile classroom environment or harassment on the basis of disability. 

4. If I find out that I have been discriminated against on the basis of disability, can you help me change my grade? 

No. We do not have control over grading or other academic matters. You must follow the process laid out by the Committee on Courses of Instruction (COCI). More information can be found on our Discrimination on the Basis of Disability page

5. Where can I go if I need adaptive equipment or software that isn't available from DSP?

DSP has a DSP technology grant that you can apply for. You should also contact your CA Department of Rehabilitation Counselor and ask whether they can help you getting access to the adaptive equipment or software you need.