O'Brien Hall

Built 1959. Morrough O'Brien spent two decades as an engineering professor before serving as dean of the College of Engineering from 1948-59. O'Brien Hall houses environmental engineering and the Water Resources Center Archives.

Building Details

Floors: 6

Accessible entrances: The main entrance is located on the east side in the O'Brien Breezeway. This entrance provides automatic openers and push plates.

Restrooms: One multiple user...

Moffitt Library

Built 1970. Moffitt Library offers a 24 hour environment for individual and group study space, plus course reserves, a makerspace, campus classrooms, and convenient access to the research collections in the Gardner (MAIN) Stacks. FSM Cafe in Moffitt is open to all visitors; library access is limited to UC Berkeley students and faculty.

Building Details

Floors: 5

Accessible entrances: The main entrance (also the only exterior entrance) is located on level three...

Mulford Hall

Built 1948. Named for Water Mulford, first dean of the School of Forestry, 1914-47. Much of the interior is wood-paneled or covered by planks from native California trees (most donated by lumber companies) or foreign species (most obtained from the 1915 Panama Pacific Exposition).

Building Details

Floors: 5

Accessible entrances: There is an automatic door at the Northwest entrance.

Restrooms: The restrooms on the...

North Gate Hall

Built 1906. This John Galen Howard building originally housed the School of Architecture and was affectionately called "the Ark." Added to the National Register if Historic Places in 1982.

Building Details

[under construction]