When someone wants to make a disability discrimination complaint alleging something to do with your divison/department they should exhaust remedy in your department. If they have, or if they refuse to do so, and still want to pursue a complaint, you can provide our grievance form, and/or direct them to our website where they can access it. Please notify us when you do so.
If you do give out our grievance form or direct someone to DAC website to secure the form, please track:
What was the basis of grievance:
When was the grievance form given/or the person directed to the DAC website to access the grievance form:
Was internal process exhausted:
When were we notified:
Did they return it to your department:
Please request that others in your department track these requests and provide the information for items 1-5 to you 1x a month. DAC will periodically request the data from all liaisons.