The office of Disability Access and compliance (DAC) provides support for university departments, organizations, programs, units and members of the public requesting American sign Language (ASL) Interpreting and Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) Captioning services at campus-sponsored events. Please visit our Planning for Accessible Events to learn more about how to plan accessible events, required language for all advertising, what an access coordinator is, and read about our accessible communications guidelines, recommendations, and best practices.
Note: If you are requesting services for a student enrolled in a course at U.C. Berkeley, please have the student request captioning as a reasonable academic accommodation from their Disabled Students Program (DSP) specialist.
We offer two Communication Services options:
Real-time remote captioning to provide communications access, and
In-person American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreting*
*Video Remote Interpretation (VRI) is an alternative solution to on-site interpreting especially in remote areas where an interpreter cannot be physically present in the same room as the consumer needing the service. Where appropriate we may utilize VRI to provide communications access.