Notice of Availability of Alternate Formats
The Disability Complaint Procedure and form is available in alternative formats upon request. Alternative formats include audio-format, braille, large print, electronic text, etc. Please contact the Office of Disability Access & Compliance (DAC) and allow 7-10 days for production of the material in an alternative format.
Steve Johnston, Senior Advisor on Disability Policy and Practice | 510-697-9313
The University is committed to ensuring that disabled students, employees and visitors are able to take part in, and benefit from, the whole range of programs, services, and activities offered by the University. The University continues to modify its facilities, programs, policies, or practices, as necessary, to ensure such access is provided.
UCOP PACAOS 140 (Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability), section 149, assumes all campuses will have a procedure to assure the prompt and equitable resolution of disability complaints. The purpose of this procedure is to resolve as promptly as possible any problems, complaints, or conflicts related to the University’s disability compliance without the need for the complainant to resort to other remedies available under the law.
A student disability complaint outcome will not alter academic grades or findings regarding academic matters. Outcomes can be referenced or submitted within the academic grade appeal process required to alter grades.
Disability Complaint Procedure
If you think you have been harassed or discriminated against based on a protected identity (including disability) you can file a complaint with the Office for Prevention of Harrassment & Discrimination ('OPHD') through iSight. OPHD is the entity that conducts formal investigations and alternative dispute resolution on the UC Berkeley campus. OPHD conducts these activities pursuant to the UCOP Anti-Discrimination Policy.
- Students can contact the Disabled Students' Program ('DSP') for help with resolution of complaints related to disability discrimination or the failure to reasonably accommodate disability-related academic needs in the educational program.
- You should report digital barriers (barriers in websites, etc) to the Digital Accessibility Program ('DAP').
- You may also seek other forms of help through the Office of Disability Access and Compliance, (‘DAC’) at any time, specifically:
Physical Barrier Reports: a person who has discovered a disability barrier in the physical environment may report it to DAC. The DAC staff will engage the reporting individual and campus partners to remove the barrier.
Reviews: a person who believes they have been denied a reasonable disability accommodation or modification by a campus department should exhaust any internal departmental process in place to resolve the matter. If there is no such process, or if the person believes the process produced an incorrect outcome, they may request a review by the ADA Compliance Officer. The ADA Compliance Officer will respond to the individual and the department within 30 days.
Informal Resolution: a person who wants assistance to resolve a disagreement with a university employee or department about disability rights or responsibilities can request and receive such assistance from DAC.
Issue of Concern: a person who does not wish to pursue any of the options listed above may still lodge with DAC a concern they have related to possible disability discrimination.
If you have any questions regarding this procedure and the listed options, please contact Steve Johnston
- The University’s designated ADA/Section 504 Compliance Officer's name, office address and telephone number are:
desk: (510) 664-4012 | cell: (510) 603-1481
330E Earl Warren Hall, UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720
- If you lodge a complaint with DAC, DSP or DAP that we believe may consitute a violation of the Anti-Discrimination Policy we are required to notify OPHD.
- UC Berkeley will provide disabled people with reasonable accommodations, if needed, to participate in any of the processes included here. Examples include, but are not limited to, providing interpreters for Deaf people, providing audio files or materials in large-print or Braille for Blind people, or assuring a barrier-free location for meetings.
- The availability and use of this procedure does not prevent a person from filing a complaint of discrimination on the basis of disability with the U. S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.