The Loop Golf Cart

What is The Loop?

The Loop is a golf cart that provides intra-campus rides for eligible faculty, staff, and students with disabilities on a first-come, first-served basis. This service was created to assist students with mobility disabilities (including temporary disability as a result of injury) and visual impairments, during the fall and spring semesters, and during classtime. It has since has extended to serve disabled staff and vistors, and to run during additional hours and times of the year (e.g., Golden Bear Orientation Week and summer sessions). The Loop only operates on the core campus. 

Eligibility for the Loop

All riders must demonstrate a disability-related need to receive approval to use the Loop.  Disability Access & Compliance (link is external) receives requests for Loop access, verifies the requestor’s disability needs based on documentation, and approves requests as appropriate.

DSP Students

Students with active cases with the DSP will have Loop access approved based on their currently documented disability status, in consultation with their Disability Specialist. See additional information about DSP’s processes.

Non-DSP Students

Non-DSP students must provide documentation of their disability need(s) including their expected recovery period. Students will receive access to the Loop for one (1) semester or through their expected recovery from the injury/condition for which they seek Loop access, whichever is shortest. Access to the Loop can be extended beyond the initial request in consultation with Disability Access & Compliance.

Staff, Faculty, and Visiting Researchers/Scholars

Staff, Faculty, and visiting researchers/scholars will have their Loop eligibility certified by Disability Management(link is external). After completing the Loop application (the form is at the bottom of this page) Disability Access & Compliance will forward requests from Staff, Faculty, and visiting researchers/scholars to Disability Management who will then contact that applicant and request follow-up documentation as needed.

Guests and Visitors

Guests and visitors to campus should contact their sponsoring department or the department sponsoring the program or event they are visiting to receive campus mobility support. Alternatively, they may contact Disability Access & Compliance ( sends e-mail) or (510) 643-6456 for assistance. 

Loop Golf Cart by West Gate

Loop Hours

Normal operations for the Loop are Monday - Friday, 7:45 AM to 10:00 PM. // Summer hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 9:00PM.

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