Loop Approval Process

All Users

  1. Submit a loop request.

Non-DSP Students

  1. Respond to this email with documentation outlining your injury. That could include a picture of an aftercare visit summary from a medical provider, or any other reasonable documentation of your need.
  2. Download the Loop app: The Loop is available for Android and iPhone at these links.
  3. Sign into your Loop account: In the app, click “Sign In”, and follow the prompt to enter your CalNet ID and passphrase.
    You must have access to your CalNet ID 2-step verification while signing into the app!
  4. Receiving Loop approval: Once you sign into your account, notify Disability Access & Compliance from your @berkeley.edu email address (to access@berkeley.edu). DAC will then activate your account for the Loop.
  5. Ride away! You should be set to use the loop within two business days of providing a note and setting up your account. If you encounter issues, please let us know.

Active DSP students

If you need ongoing access to the Loop, please contact your Disability Specialist to discuss your transportation needs and to receive approval for campus transportation services. If you are a DSP student, but need the Loop for a temporary disability, please follow the “Non-DSP Students” instructions.

  1. Sign into your Loop account: In the app, click “Sign In”, and follow the prompt to enter your CalNet ID and passphrase. Important: You must have access to your CalNet ID 2-step verification while signing into the app!
  2. Receiving Loop approval: Once you sign into your account, notify your DSP Specialist that do you have registered for the Loop and need authorization.They will notify Disability Access & Compliance and we will then activate your account for the Loop.
  3. Ride away! You should be set to use the loop within two business days of notifying DSP that your account is set up. If you encounter issues, please let us know ASAP.

You can expect your activation for the Loop no later than two business days after you make your request. In most cases, requests are processed within a business day.

If you request Loop access for consecutive semesters or expect to require mobility accommodations (such as the Loop) in order to transport yourself across campus on an ongoing basis, you are encouraged to apply for the DSP. This will allow you to access the Loop without renewing the service each term. Information about the DSP application process is available at dsp.berkeley.edu.