Procedures & Protocols for Provision of Academic Adjustments

Instructors have reported feeling uncertain of how to comply with the requirement to accommodate students in academic settings. There has been significant growth of this population of students, and changes in requirements to comply with the law and create inclusive classrooms. Along with the Disability, Accommodation & Access in the UC Classroom training video, developed in 2021 by our campus instructors, students, and staff, and the shorter disability access training for instructors created as part of Disability Access & Compliance’s disability access training bundle created in 2023, this webpage will serve to summarize key information and practices to support instructors and ensure disabled students can access academic programming on our campus. It also links to other materials that are useful for instructors.

These processes have been developed through collaboration between Disability Access and Compliance (DAC), Disabled Students’ Program (DSP), DSP Faculty Liaisons, Academic Senate leadership, and the Vice Provost for Faculty and in consultation with the Office of Legal Affairs.

The full text of the Procedures & Protocols for Implementation of UCOP PACAOS 140, 143 et seq (Provision of Academic Adjustments) with footnotes and links to relevant laws is available as a Google Doc and PDF.

If you have any questions about these processes, please contact Disability Access and Compliance at