
Davis Hall

Built 1968. Professor Raymond Davis spent 50 years on the Berkeley faculty and developed the Engineering Materials Laboratory into one of the world's finest. Davis Hall houses the offices of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, including its structural and earthquake engineering labs and teaching facilities.The building’s ground-floor “structures bay” rises two stories, providing space for testing many types of materials and designs, from scale models of California highway overpasses to segments of the Golden Gate Bridge....

Campbell Hall

Built 2014. Named for William Wallace Campbell, astronomy professor, director of the Lick Observatory, and university president from 1923-30. The new building ncludes a roof top observatory, a radio observatory, research facilities, faculty and staff offices; and other support spaces.

Building Details

Floors: 8

Accessible entrances: [under construction]

Restrooms: [under construction]

Blum Hall

Built 2010. The Blum Center’s home is a 22,000 square foot complex completed in 2010. The complex comprises the renovated Naval Architecture Building (designed by John Galen Howard and built in 1914), a new three-story wing and terraces, bridges and plazas connecting the complex to the College of Engineering's Sutardja Dai Hall. The center is a hub for anti-poverty innovation and is named for Richard C. Blum. The center supports faculty research aimed at creating lasting change for the poor around the world.

Building Details


Berkeley Way West

Built 2018.

Building Details

[under construction]

Berkeley Law Building

Built 1966. Originally the name of Durant Hall, which housed the law school before it moved to the southeast corner of campus. Elizabeth Joyce Boalt gave $100,000 in memory of her husband, Judge John Henry Boalt, and 40 state lawyers and judges contributed to make it the "best law school west of the Rockies."

Building Details

Floors: 11

Accessible entrances: The basement floor on the west side of the building has an automatic door. The first floor entrance...

Bechtel Engineering Center

Built 1980. Named for Stephen D. Bechtel, who attended Berkeley before taking the reins of the Bechtel engineering empire. It houses the Kresge Engineering Library, Sibley Auditorium, and student and interdisciplinary studies offices.

Building Details

Floors: 3

Accessible entrances: The main entrance on the level one enters at grade but does not provide an automatic opener. The level 2 south entrance does provide an opener.


Cheit Hall

Built 1995. Located within the Haas School of Business.

Building Details

Floors: 4

Accessible entrances: There are two accessible entrances. The first floor entrance is on the west side and the second floor entrance is located on the east side of the building.

Restrooms: All restrooms in the building are usable.

Designated waiting area: The Designated Waiting...

Hildebrand Hall

Built 1966. Named after Joel Hildebrand, longtime chemistry professor and dean, and the inventor of Chem-1A's fabled Big Game Titration. The building houses graduate research laboratories, undergraduate teaching labs, and the chemistry library.

Building Details

Floors: 7

Accessible entrances: There are two entrances to Hildebrand. The first is the breezway accessible from the south. The second is the library and its entrance on the western side of the building....

Wellman Hall

Built 1912. Harry Wellman, professor of agricultural economics, was acting university president in 1967 when the building's name was changed from Agriculture Hall. Designed by John Galen Howard and added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.

Building Details

Floors: 5

Accessible entrances: Double doors on the north side of the building have automatic openers operated by push plates inside and outside the building. There is an exterior very steep ramp (similar to...

Simon Hall

Built 1966. Once a residence hall for law students, it now houses offices for faculty, student organizations, and student publications.

Building Details

Floors: 9

Accessible entrances: The entrance on the south end of the building has a ramp and is equipped with an automatic door.

Restrooms: The mens and women's restrooms on the second floor are located in the north end of Simon Hall. Both are single user.
