Physical Accessibility

Mobility Accommodation

If you plan on attending an event and need mobility accommodations please try to make your service request at least 72 hours prior to the campus event you wish to attend. If you make your request with less notice, we will do our best, but the earlier you submit your request, the more likely it is to be fulfilled. Requests or inquiries about accommodation information can be made through the following form, or by calling (510) 643-6456.

We will send you a confirmation of your request shortly after you submit it, and contact you again when your accommodation arrangements have been set...

Coordinating Committee for the Removal of Architectural Barriers

The Coordinating Committee for the Removal of Architectural Barriers (CCRAB) serves the University of California, Berkeley as a subcommittee of the Chancellor’s Advisory Council on Disability & Accessibility Planning. CCRAB is administered on behalf of the ADA/504 Coordinator and the Vice Chancellor for Administration. The Committee meets as regularly as required (at least monthly) to ensure the physical accessibility of the university’s programs, services, and activities by reviewing plans for capital projects. CCRAB’s charge is to:


Evacuation Chairs

Evacuation chairs must be available in campus buildings for assisting in the evacuation of people with disabilities in the event of an emergency. These evacuation chairs are purpose-built to assist first responders with removing a person from a building who cannot evacuate due to a mobility disability or obstructed elevators.

Each evacuation chair is secured in a beige cabinet that contains an evacuation chair and other emergency supplies and resources. The contact information for building employees assigned to assist with evacuation chairs...

Wheelchair Users' Guide & Routes

Wheelchair Users' Guide & Routes map: This map indicates paths that are usable by individuals with mobility devices and shows wheelchair accessible building entries. Following these paths, wheelchair users will find paths without curbs or stairs. Slope steepness is not featured, but it can be found in the “Pathway slopes” map. These are the preferred routes for wheelchair users to access the campus.

Pathway Slopes

Pathway slopes [PDF]: This map outlines the slope intensity for all access paths on campus. With slopes marked as ranging from “Easy” to “Impassible,” this map helps individuals with disabilities find the most accessible route to a destination. It should be used in conjunction with the preferred wheelchair routes map.

Access Interruptions

Access Interruptions: This map shows the current construction projects and obstacles causing disruptions for the access features/pathways described in the maps above. It is updated as new interruptions are brought to the attention of the campus. If you encounter an obstacle that is not represented by thia map, please report an access barrier so...