Facility Accessibility Reports

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 requires that public entities (such as public universities) create a Transition Plan which itemizes all architectural barriers to accessibility on properties owned or used by the entity, rates the severity of those barriers, and assigns them a priority for remediation. The entity has an ongoing obligation to remove barriers to accessibility. In 2021 UC Berkeley completed a new Transition Plan assessment of its facilities which includes a comprehensive assessment of the accessibility of elements across 200 university facilities for compliance with the California Building Code and ADA Access Guidelines standards. The completed plan identified over 40,000 barriers to accessibility across the assessed facilities and created a Facility Access database.

Each Facility Accessibility Report (FAR) includes:

  • A PDF of the report showing a picture of each deficiency, the appropriate code citations, required solutions listed, a cost estimate for removing that barrier, and a unique identifier for each listing.
  • An Excel Workbook with each deficiency listed
  • A floor plan with  each deficiency’s  location

In order to demonstrate ongoing efforts to work the Transition Plan, to capture access barriers removed as part of the capital projects process, and to provide resources for defining the required accessibility scope in alterations, please follow this process to request, use, and track the data in each FAR.

The linked PDF shows the elements of a Facility Accessibility Report.

FAR Data Request Process

FAR Data Request Process

Request a Facility Accessibility Report (FAR) from Disability Access & Compliance

  1. Request FAR before the Design Team kick-off meeting.
  2. Please complete all sections of the form with as much detail as possible. Most importantly include the project number and project title.

Receiving FARs

  1. FARs will be shared Via Google Drive as a PDF and an Excel workbook within five (5) business days of the receipt of the request.
    1. Naming convention: “Project Number” “Project Name” FA Report.
  2. Download both and add to project documents.

Provide design team with the FAR

  1. Notify DPs of remaining FAR process (below).
    • If you have specific questions or concerns about the report, how to interpret/apply it, etc. you can:
    • Meet with Nio Howa (DAC) nhowa@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail),
    • Meet with Ian Blakey (CBD) imblakey@berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail),
    • Schedule a CCRAB review.
  1. Continue CP project Process.

Collect & Report Removed Barriers

  1. At 100% CD phase design teams must:
    • Collect the “Prob ID” / “ID ~Prob” for each barrier removed by the project.
    • Either note them in the Excel workbook or otherwise provide a list of the ID numbers.
    • Indicate whether the barrier was completely removed by the project.
    • Indicate any exemptions from code compliance authorized by the Campus Building Department (and reference the corresponding "Problem ID" number).
  2. Send the workbook to DAC for record. Email (access@berkeley.edu), cc Nio Howa (nhowa@berkeley.edu)