Space Sciences Laboratory

Built 1959. The Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL) at Berkeley was initiated in 1958 by a committee of the faculty who recognized that the new technology of rockets and satellites opened new realms of investigation and research to the physical, biological, and engineering sciences. The Laboratory is located in a wooded site with a view of the bay which is one of the most beautiful on the Berkeley campus.

Building Details

[under construction]

Pictures of Space Sciences Lab

The north facing entrance to Space Sciences Addition. There is a small sitting area with a tree in front of the door

Addition North Entrance

The side entrance to the Addition, facing west. Its path of travel goes out into the Addition parking lot.

Addition Side Entrance

The main entrance to the Silver building, facing East. A bridge from the parking lot leads to the double doors.

Silver Lab East Entrance


Center for Science Education, Space Physics Research Group, CASPER (7 Gauss Way)
