The Coordinating Committee for the Removal of Architectural Barriers (CCRAB) serves the University of California, Berkeley as a subcommittee of the Chancellor’s Advisory Council on Disability & Accessibility Planning. CCRAB is administered on behalf of the ADA/504 Coordinator and the Vice Chancellor for Administration. The Committee meets as regularly as required (at least monthly) to ensure the physical accessibility of the university’s programs, services, and activities by reviewing plans for capital projects. CCRAB’s charge is to:
- Review capital projects to ensure their accessibility as defined under the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, Title 24 of the California Building Code, as well as other applicable law and university policies,
- Monitor the effective execution of the university ADA Transition Plan,
- Initiate capital projects, studies, and research that improve the physical accessibility of UC Berkeley facilities, and
- Allocate Committee funds to improve the accessibility of properties under the university’s stewardship.
Scope of CCRAB Review:
CCRAB serves as one component of the university’s process for complying with the Americans With Disabilities Act Access Guidelines (ADAAG) and Title 24 of the California Building Code (CBC). Specifically, CRABB reviews projects to assure:
- Path of Travel improvement requirements under Title 24 of the CBC Ch. 11B-202.4 (“Path of Travel Requirements in Alterations, Additions and Structural Repairs”) are executed as required,
- Determinations of Unreasonable Hardship as described in Title 24 of the CBC Ch. 11B-202.4 Exception 8 are accurately assessed and documented, and
- That the correct provisions of Title 24 of the CBC Ch. 11B are applied to any specific project based on the university’s programmatic plan for the facility.
CCRAB reviews projects either informally at the request of the Project Manager/client or formally at the direction of the Campus Building Department/Office for Disability Access & Compliance.
- Voluntary reviews are performed on an informal basis to support projects at any phase (from conceptual design through 75% CD submittals). Project Managers may submit requests for review via this form.
- For formal reviews, CCRAB interprets the application of California Building Code accessibility provisions and other relevant law to the project or evaluates requests for exemption from compliance with those provisions. Formal reviews are required for all projects in the categories described below, as well as at the direction of CBD/DAC.
When the Campus Building Department, in consultation with DAC, determines that a project must submit to CCRAB for review, the Committee’s decisions and/or opinions are enforced by Disability Access & Compliance (DAC) and the Campus Building Department (CBD) through the university’s regular Plan Review process.