Information about the accommodations & services provided by Disability Access & Compliance including requesting communications accommodations such as CART/ASL services, Mobility access information, reporting an access barrier, and requesting use of to accessible transportation on campus.
Resources to support the mobility of UC Berkeley community members with disabilities as they engage with the university's programs, services, and activities. Wayfinding tools and information on the physical accessibility of university paths and buildings.
Resources for guests and visitors with disabilities coming to events on campus. Guidelines and resources for the campus community on how to plan accessible events, as well as support responding to requests for accommodations.
Links to resources from UC Berkeley and the local community that offer a range of services, information, and support disability-specific needs for the campus community. Resources are organized by their relevance to the groups that comprise the campus community, e.g. students, staff, faculty, guests and visitors.
Links to the descriptionsfor committees administered by DAC in support of our mission to create an accessible university. Committee descriptions, minutes, membership, and FAQs
This webpage contains policies and procedures related to faculty with disabilities.
APM-710 includes policies surrounding the rate and usage of sick leave, paid medical leave, and leave of absence for eligible faculty.
APM-711 states that the University provides reasonable accommodation to otherwise qualified academic appointees who are disabled or become disabled and need assistance to perform the essential functions of their positions. Accommodation options will be considered in an interactive process with the appointee.
The Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students are a compendium of University-wide policies relating to student life. Section 20.00 describes the University’s policy against legally impermissible, arbitrary, or unreasonable discriminatory practices.
The procedures described below support Berkeley in implementing Section 711 of the Academic Personnel Manual. This section of the APM states that each University of California campus will provide reasonable accommodations to faculty and other academic appointees with disabilities when the appointee requests them.
The Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations and Students are a compendium of University-wide policies relating to student life. Section 140.00 describes the University’s guidelines applying to nondiscrimination on the basis of disability.