Recommendations & Resources
For units using this training bundle while completing the Post Self-Evaluation Work Plan from 2023-24, please note that your unit folder with your report, the original survey questions and answers, and your work plan (here is an example of the basic work plan), remain up and open. Here is a training tracker (link is external); please use this (make a copy for yourself) or any other tool if it helps you, then enter the information into column 'I' on your work plan. Here is a short overview of the Self Evaluation Work Plan process.
For everyone else, this page is where you can access our bundle of trainings on disability access & compliance across campus. Supervisors and managers can assign these to their staff, and they are also hosted on the LMS site for easier tracking, if desired.
In each area of access & compliance you will also find
- a brief description of the area;
- a list of recommendations made for that section in our 2020 ADA Self Evaluation summary; and
- a training that will include information, additional resources, and/or actions to take (e.g., embed CA Relay 711 in email signature blocks so Deaf or Hard of Hearing people can contact you via a communication relay center).
A few notes on the bundle before you dive in:
- Please contact the UC Berkeley Programmatic Access Project Manager with any questions, or if you encounter disability access barriers.
- The trainings do include links to external sites. Consider checking privacy settings, and if you have control over JavaScript, which sites are allowed to run.
- Other opportunties for training on disability access & compliance exist. We will always present to individual units on request, and employees can participate in the Disability Access Liason Team program. This includes 7 weekly classes providing a 'deep dive' into disability access & compliance. Cohorts are usually 12-20 people and the classes are held twice a year.