Giannini Hall

Built 1930. Designed by William C. Hays, this building was named for benefactor Amadeo Peter Giannini, founder of the Bank of Italy (which eventually became the Bank of America). The light-splashed entry hall and grand split staircase are filled with Art Deco details. Added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1982.

Building Details

Floors: 4

Accessible entrances: There are two exterior ramps on the west side of the building. The SW ramp to the basement level leads to an entrance with an automatic opener and push plates

Restrooms: The mens restroom on the second level has one stall with side and rear grab bars and side transfer capabilities

Designated waiting area: The restrooms on the north side of the building for each floor are the meeting place in case of an emergency. Each restroom is large enough to accommodate several wheelchairs. Unfortunately, the stairwells within the building do not allow for adequate space on the landing. Proximity to exit: All restrooms are located either adjacent to or across from the northern stairwell. Partitioning: While the restrooms doors are not fire rated, they should provide some resistance in case of fire. Posting: Giannini currently does not have designated waiting areas posted on evacuation floor plans

Emergency evacuation cabinet: S: The emergency evacuation cabinet is located on the first floor directly next to the elevator.

Accessibility features: There is one accessible public telephone in the building. Location: Near the NW corner entrance.

Pictures of Giannini Hall (under construction)


Classrooms and Departments

Natural Resources (Agricultural & Resource Economics, Environmental Science, Policy & Management), Giannini Foundation Library


141 Giannini

Maximum Capacity


Features ADA-Instructor Accessible ADA-Student Accessible AV-Assistive Listening Device AV-Computer Data Display AV-Connection-Aux AV-Connection-VGA AV-Connection-XLR AV-Course Capture AV-DVD Player AV-Document Camera AV-Microphones AV-Screen-Manual Projector AV-VHS player Board-Front 95plus sq ft Board-White Only Seating-Movable Window

201 Giannini

Maximum Capacity


Features ADA-Instructor Accessible ADA-Student Accessible AV-Computer Data Display AV-Connection-Aux AV-Connection-VGA AV-DVD Player AV-Screen-Manual Projector AV-VHS player Board-Front 95plus sq ft Board-White Only Seating-Movable Seating-Seminar Seating-Tables/Chairs Seating-Tables/Chairs Movable Window

332 Giannini

Maximum Capacity


Features ADA-Instructor Accessible ADA-Student Accessible AV-Computer Data Display AV-Connection-Aux AV-Connection-VGA AV-DVD Player AV-Screen-Manual Projector AV-VHS player Board-Front 95plus sq ft Board-White Only Seating-Movable Seating-Seminar ...